Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today its 12th of November and again got time from somewhat
tight schedule to dig out some more memories which r burrried deep within..
As elaborated in the previous article I am bound to exaggerate some more incidents or
mayhaps some more antecedents…

The previous article was more inclined towards my relationship with someone special…
But this one is for those common people with whom I spend my 4 years…..
U might be astounded why I am personifying my colleagues as common…..

Its just because I think “its difficult to remain common if u r special” and if u r extraordinary
then it becomes even more tiresome but they did it to perfection...and even stooped lower to my cadre of commonship……

The incident I quote here is d time when I had just stepped in 5th semester ( prefinal year)…
Everybody knew about the badminton tournament which was scheduled in september in hostel premises…

As usual being one of the so called “ghosit loafers” of MIET hostel ..i was suppose to devote all my night playing badminton…and guess what, in all these activities I always had a partner named Yogendra….and we never let the common notion ( that we were loafers )go down even by an inch….

He was my doubles partner and confessing the truth we were partners in any activity conducted at hostel and college and even in life during those awesome years….

(for eg.- whether it was writing the name of my roomy Akshay and his girlfriend on desk in his own class for which my roomy had to suffer a lot in d nefarious hands of Proctorial committee….or being rebuked by Saurabh after we came completely drunk and talking of nothing else but unsuccessful stories with girls, we did it all together).

Anyways these were just the sidelines and not deviating from main incident directly take you all to the Badminton court all set for my defeat because he was better contender not only for me but for the
trophy as well and this match was fixed just to add more spices to already brimming tournament.

I said so because everybody was quite probable of the outcome and the public was not interested in result but were excited to see two partners who shared each stage of life together against each other at this stage where one had to demolish others challenge and in the process eliminate your own partner from knockout championship.

Finally the game of 21 commenced and all the cheers ,,all the roarings and hootings began..

But everyone was in dilemma as to cheer for which one of the two??? If one was cheered the friendship with other was betrayed…

But I too had some stark supporters like BABA bhasdi who was sprinkling water on me and saying some of his own manipulated rituals everytime I took rest and other supporter was Yogendra himself…

Saurabh was in greater confusion because if he supported me then he was going against his roommate and on other hand if he supported yogendra then he would have betrayed his home city.

However to drive everybody fringy the score after some time was 17 – 11 and I was leading .The spectators were more involved now and my opponent was finding it difficult to pick my net drops….Still I thought he would stride on but sadly he lost the game to me and final score was 21 – 17..

It was the best of the shows spectators had seen and even after about two years that match prevails in everybodies mind and it raises only one argument..Did I won the game or did he let me win it ?? I still don’t get it…

However after this show we hugged each other and I gave a party at RANA dhaba .Just imagine the scenario that the looser was enjoying the most out of the party which was hosted after defeating him…

But the purpose of this match was to impart maximum excitement and it was done not only upto perfection but even better than that..
Such were the incidents which occurred and mark their presence even today and also for lifelong..

(… Where even if you win you lose and even if you loose you turn out to be a winner ….)….